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Sidman's Neuroanatomy 2e

A Programmed Learning Tool

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  • 저자
    Douglas J. Gould 저
  • ISBN
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  • 출판사
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • 도서안내
    수입처 사정에 따라 품절 또는 지연될 수 있습니다



PART I: CEREBRUM : Surface of the Brain I / Surface of the Brain II / Divisions of the Brain and Brodmann's Areas / Membranes of the Brain / Blood Supply to the Brain / Ventricular System / The Corticospinal System: Course of Fibers from Cortex to Basal Ganglia / The Corticospinal System: Medial View--Internal Capsule / The Corticospinal System: Introduction to Horizontal Sections / The Corticospinal System: White Matter Structures in Relation to Basal Ganglia / The Corticospinal System: Additional Relations to Deeper Structures / The Corticospinal System: Relations Among the Insula, Claustrum and White Matter Structures / The Corticospinal System: Relations of Basal Nuclei to Thalamus / The Corticospinal System, Basal Nuclei, and Thalamus / Relations Between the Thalamus and Cortex: Location of the Hypothalamus / Relations Between Cortex and Upper Brainstem: Sagittal Views / The Corticospinal System and Brainstem Structures: Midbrain / The Corticospinal System and Brainstem Structures: Pons and Medulla / The Decussation of the Pyramids / Representation of Body Parts in the Corticospinal System: Cortex and Brainstem / Lesions in the Corticospinal System / Clinical Signs of Corticospinal Damage


PART II: BASAL NUCLEI : Identification of the Basal Nuclei / Connections of the Basal Nuclei / Circuits within and with the Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and Spinal Cord / Pathways of the Extrapyramidal System / Blood Supply to the Basal Nuclei / Clinical Signs of Basal Nuclei Damage / Lesions of the Basal Nuclei


PART III: CEREBELLUM : The Structure of the Cerebellum / Cerebellar Peduncles / Cerebellar Pathways / Blood Supply to the Cerebellum / Cerebellar Lesions / Clinical Signs of Cerebellar Damage


PART IV: DIENCEPHALON : Divisions of the Diencephalon / Connections of the Diencephalon / Thalamic Nuclei and Relationships / Hypothalamic Nuclei and Relationships / Blood Supply to the Diencephalon / Lesions of the Diencephalon / Clinical Signs of Damage to the Diencephalon


PART V: BRAINSTEM : Surface of the Brainstem / Intrinsic Anatomy of the Brainstem / Blood Supply to the Brainstem / Brainstem: Spinocerebellar Components of the Lower Medulla / Brainstem: Transition from Spinal Cord to Medulla, with Emphasis on the Kinesthetic Pathway / Brainstem: Spinal Trigeminal System in the Transition Zone from Spinal Cord to Medulla / Introduction to Motor Nuclei of the Brainstem / The Somatic Group of Brainstem Nuclei / The Branchial and Visceral Groups of Brainstem Motor Nuclei / Contributions of Brainstem Motor Nuclei to the Cranial Nerves / Location of Motor Nuclei on Phantom Views of Brainstem / Motor Nuclei and Other Landmarks in Transverse Sections Through the Brainstem / Somatic and Visceral Sensory Components of the Brainstem: Trigeminal System / Somatic and Visceral Sensory Components of the Brainstem, Concluded: Mesencephalic V and Solitarius Systems


PART VI: SPINAL CORD : Spinal Cord: Relations between Spine and Spinal Cord / Blood Supply to the Spinal Cord / Identification of Cord Levels / White and Gray Matter of the Spinal Cord and Location of Corticospinal Tracts / The Types of Somesthetic Sensation: Relations between Peripheral Sensory Pathways and Spinal Cord / Location of Sensory Pathways in the White Matter of the Spinal Cord / Synapses in Sensory Pathways: Lateral and Anterior Spinothalamic Tracts / Synapses in Sensory Pathways: Posterior Columns and Spinocerebellar Tracts / Reflexes as Indications of Motor Disease / The Sympathetic Nervous System in the Spinal Cord / Review of Spinal Pathways: Clinical Examples / Review of Spinal Pathways: Further Clinical Examples / Lesions of the Spinal Cord / Membranes of the Spinal Cord


PART VII: SPECIAL SENSES : Visual System / Chemical Senses / Auditory and Vestibular Systems



<출판사 서평>


Sidman's Neuroanatomy: A Programmed Learning Tool, Second Edition is an innovative combined neuroanatomy text and review that covers the structure of the entire nervous system. Its unique programmed learning approach allows students to easily retain information and learn at their own pace by slowly building on previously learned concepts throughout each chapter.


The programmed learning approach introduces new information and reviews previously learned information by presenting it in new contexts, calling attention to important details and illustrating steps in a reasoning process. This learning method adds to and reinforces the student's understanding and retention of neuroanatomical knowledge.

This edition features updated illustrations, a systems-based organization, and new concepts on the cerebellum, extrapyramidal pathways, special sensory pathways, diencephalon, ventricular system, and vascular anatomy. Terminology has been updated to conform to Terminologia Anatomica .





Douglas J. Gould PhD

President and Vice Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, Rochester, MI


Jennifer K. Brueckner-Collins PhD

Associate Professor, Anatomy and Neurobiology, Director of Graduate Studies, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY


도서명 Sidman's Neuroanatomy 2e 저자, 역자 Douglas J. Gould, Jennifer K. Brueckner 지음
출판사 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 크기 -
표지, 쪽수 스프링 | 656쪽 제품구성 낱권
출간일 2007-11-27 내용 및 목차 상품 정보 및 본문 기재


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