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Laser and Light Treatment in Asian Skin (LLTAS) _군자출판사

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    방문 수령지 : 경기도 고양시 덕양구 청초로 66 (덕은동, 덕은리버워크) A동 808,809호
  • 저자
    CCLMS Committee (국제 레이저의학회) 저
  • ISBN
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  • 도서안내
    공급처 사정에 따라 품절 또는 지연될 수 있습니다.
Laser and Light Treatment in Asian Skin (LLTAS) _군자출판사
  • 총 상품금액
  • 총 할인금액
  • 총 합계금액

도서 목차 



SECTION 01 Pigmentary disorders


CHAPTER 01 General concept for pigmented target approach

in the Asian skin: the character of pigmented lesions in Asians

CHAPTER 02 Melasma

CHAPTER 03 Freckles & lentigines

CHAPTER 04 Nevus of Ota

CHAPTER 05 Acquired bilateral nevus of Ota-like macules

CHAPTER 06 Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation

CHAPTER 07 Nevocellular nevus

CHAPTER 08 Seborrheic keratosis

CHAPTER 09 Cafe-au-lait macule / Nevus spilus / Becker’s nevus / Lentiginosis

CHAPTER 10 Tattoos



SECTION 02 Skin rejuvenation for aged skin


CHAPTER 01 General concept of multilayer skin rejuvenation approach

CHAPTER 02 Fine lines & deep wrinkles (skin laxity)

CHAPTER 03 Enlarged pores

CHAPTER 04 Resurfacing laser

CHAPTER 05 Laser-assisted approaches to facial and neck lifting





CHAPTER 01 Active acne (Including PDT)

CHAPTER 02 Acne related erythema & hyperpigmentation

CHAPTER 03 Acne scars

CHAPTER 04 Sebum control



SECTION 04 Scars


CHAPTER 01 General concept for scar remodeling approach

CHAPTER 02 Hypertrophic scars and keloids

CHAPTER 03 Keloids

CHAPTER 04 Stretch marks (striae distensae)

CHAPTER 05 Scar prevention





CHAPTER 01 Hair removal

CHAPTER 02 Laser-assisted approach in hair transplantation



SECTION 06 Body & Facial sculpting


CHAPTER 01 General concept of interstitial laser

CHAPTER 02 Body sculpting: abdomen, flanks, buttocks & thighs, gynecomastia,

arms, calves & ankles, 2nd lipoplasty

CHAPTER 03 Facial sculpting (Approach for the individual aesthetic unit)



SECTION 07 Vascular lesions


CHAPTER 01 Flushing

CHAPTER 02 Telangiectasia



SECTION 08 Miscellaneous others / Special issues


CHAPTER 01 Hyperhidrosis & osmidrosis

CHAPTER 02 Lipomas

CHAPTER 03 Neurofibromas

CHAPTER 04 Syringomas


 책 소개


Dear Readers,

As the Chairman of the “onventional & Contemporary in Laser Medicine and Surgery”

(CCLMS) initiative, it is with great pleasure that I write to welcome you to this outstanding text book, Laser and Light Treatment in Asian Skin: Practical Approaches, crystalizing the experience of Korea’ leading laser and light practitioners in treating a vast range of cutaneous disorders in Asian skin. As we all know, the darker Asian skin types represent a special case when cutaneous lesions are targeted, simply because of the propensity of these skin types to form postinflammatory hyperpigmentation following any treatment causing undue inflammation, particularly at the dermoepidermal junction. Special care and precise techniques are therefore called for, based on a sound understanding of laser-tissue interaction in the darker skin type. The CCLMS Committee is very proud to stand behind this keynote publication. Korea is renowned for her pool of expert surgeons, and the manufacture of some of the very best laser systems in the world for these experts to practice with. Sadly, the vast storehouse of knowledge remains often locked in Korea and her near environs, sometimes by the simple fact of publication in the Korean language, but often because Korean surgeons are very shy of their English language abilities, even though they may be fluent English speakers. It was because of this that the CCLMS Committee got together and this volume was discussed, then definitively planned, and now it has been published. The range of topics herein has something for everyone. Furthermore, we all know that Asian skin is no longer limited to Asia, with a large diaspora of Asians in every major country worldwide. This spreading of the Asian skin gene brings problems for clinicians in these overseas regions whose patients are Asian, or of Asian descent, because of the inherent potential for PIH formation. A patient might present with melasma in Australia, for instance, who appears to be a Fitzpatrick skin type II. However, on history taking, it turns out she is third generation Asian. This means that the usual skin type II treatment regimens might well induce PIH, because the skin is basically still a type III or even IV. This excellent book is therefore not just intended for clinicians in Asia, although it will still find a place on the bookshelf here as a powerful treatment reference: the book is aimed more at those overseas surgeons who encounter Asian skin type patients in their practice, and may be at a loss as to how to treat them safely and effectively. I feel it will represent an invaluable guide for these circumstances, written as it is by the leading specialists here in Korea, whose expertise is freely shared with our brother and sister colleagues worldwide. Please enjoy reading this wide-ranging textbook, either as a prelude to treating patients of one of the Asian skin types, as a reference volume, or simply just for pleasure, to enhance your knowledge and broaden your treatment techniques, even in non-Asian skin types. Thank you for purchasing Laser and Light Treatment in Asian Skin: Practical Approaches, and I am sure you will find it very useful.

도서명 Laser and Light Treatment in Asian Skin (LLTAS) 저자, 역자 CCLMS Committee (국제 레이저의학회) 지음
출판사 군자출판사 크기 188 x 257 mm (B5)
표지, 쪽수 양장본 | 340 쪽 제품구성 낱권
출간일 2016-03-10 내용 및 목차 상품 정보 및 본문 기재


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Laser and Light Treatment in Asian Skin (LLTAS) _군자출판사

Laser and Light Treatment in Asian Skin (LLTAS) _군자출판사
Laser and Light Treatment in Asian Skin (LLTAS) _군자출판사

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