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Atlas of Uncommon Pain Syndromes 4e

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    Steven D. Waldman 저
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    수입처 사정에 따라 품절 또는 지연될 수 있습니다

저자 소개


By Steven D. Waldman, MD, JD, Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology, Professor of Medical Humanities and Bioethics, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Missouri U.S.A.

도서 목차


SECTION 1 Headache and Facial Pain Syndromes
1 Ice Pick Headache
2 Supraorbital Neuralgia
3 Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania
4 Hemicrania Continua
5 Charlin's Syndrome
6 Sexual Headache
7 Cough Headache
8 Sudden Unilateral Neuralgiform Conjunctival Injection Tearing Headache
9 Primary Thunderclap Headache
10 Hypnic Headache
11 Nummular Headache
12 Headache Associated With Temporal Arteritis
13 Post - Dural Puncture Headache
14 Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
15 Eagle Syndrome
16 Atypical Odontalgia
17 Burning Mouth Syndrome
18 Nervus Intermedius Neuralgia
19 Red Ear Syndrome
20 Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia

SECTION 2 Neck and Brachial Plexus Pain Syndromes
21 Clival Chordoma Syndrome
22 Spasmodic Torticollis
23 Cervicothoracic Interspinous Bursitis
24 Scapulocostal Syndrome
25 Parsonage-Turner Syndrome
26 Hyoid Syndrome
27 Omohyoid Syndrome
28 Acute Calcific Prevertebral Tendinitis
29 Neck-Tongue Syndrome
30 Sternohyoid Syndrome

SECTION 3 Shoulder Pain Syndromes
31 Supraspinatus Tendinitis
32 Infraspinatus Tendinitis
33 Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
34 OS Acromiale Pain Syndrome
35 Glomus Tumor of the Shoulder
36 Pectoralis Major Tear Syndrome
37 Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment
38 Snapping Scapula Syndrome
39 Quadrilateral Space Syndrome

SECTION 4 Elbow Pain Syndromes
40 Pronator Syndrome
41 Cubital Bursitis
42 Anconeus Epitrochlearis
43 OS Supratrochleare-Related Elbow Pain
44 Osteonecrosis Of The Elbow Joint
45 Triceps Tendinitis
46 Radial Tunnel Syndrome
47 Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
48 Driver's Elbow
49 Anterior Interosseus Syndrome

SECTION 5 Wrist and Hand Pain Syndromes
50 Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome
51 Cheiralgia Paresthetica
52 Secretan's Syndrome
53 Foreign Body Synovitis
54 Glomus Tumor Of The Hand
55 Erythromelalgia
56 Boxer's Knuckle
57 Triangular Fibrocartilage Tear Syndrome
58 Scapholunate Ligament Tear Syndrome
59 Lunotriquetral Instability Pain Syndrome
60 Kienböck's Disease
61 Avascular Necrosis Of The Scaphoid
62 Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendinitis
63 Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendinitis
64 Trigger Wrist

SECTION 6 Thoracic Pain Syndromes
65 Devil's Grip
66 Sternoclavicular Syndrome
67 Postmastectomy Pain
68 Sternalis Syndrome
69 Manubriosternal Joint Syndrome
70 Xiphodynia
71 Serratus Anterior Muscle Syndrome
72 Slipping Rib Syndrome
73 Winged Scapula Syndrome

SECTION 7 Abdominal and Groin Pain Syndromes
74 Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment
75 Acute Intermittent Porphyria
76 Radiation Enteritis
77 Liver Pain
78 Abdominal Angina

SECTION 8 Lumbar Spine and Sacroiliac Joint Pain Syndromes
79 Epidural Abscess
80 Multiple Myeloma
81 Foix-Alajouanine Syndrome
82 Paget's Disease
83 Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis
84 Spondylolisthesis
85 Ankylosing Spondylitis
86 Superior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome
87 Lumbar Myofascial Pain Syndrome
88 Lumbar Paraspinal Compartment Syndrome

SECTION 9 Pelvic Pain Syndromes
89 Gluteus Maximus Pain Syndrome
90 Gluteus Medius Syndrome
91 Gluteal Bursitis
92 Clunealgia
93 Nutcracker Syndrome
94 Orchialgia
95 Clitoral Priapism
96 Vulvodynia
97 Prostatodynia
98 Levator Ani Pain Syndrome
99 Proctalgia Fugax
100 Paroxysmal Extreme Pain Syndrome

SECTION 10 Hip and Lower Extremity Pain Syndromes
101 Avascular Necrosis Of The Femoral Head
102 Transient Regional Osteoporosis
103 Psoas Bursitis
104 Iliopsoas Tendon Rupture
105 Femoral Neuropathy
106 Saphenous Neuralgia
107 Obturator Neuralgia
108 Adductor Tendinitis
109 Iliopectinate Bursitis
110 Snapping Hip Syndrome

SECTION 11 Knee Pain Syndromes
111 Tibiofibular Pain Syndrome
112 Jumper's Knee
113 Semimembranosus Insertion Syndrome
114 Coronary Ligament Strain
115 Breaststroker's Knee
116 Quadriceps Expansion Syndrome
117 Runner's Knee
118 Snapping Pes Anserinus Syndrome
119 Glomus Tumor Of The Knee
120 Iliotibial Band Bursitis
121 Fabella Syndrome
122 Hamstring Tendinitis
123 Pes Anserine Bursitis

SECTION 12 Ankle and Foot Pain Syndromes
124 Subtalar Joint Pain
125 Midtarsal Joint Pain
126 Posterior Tibial Tendinitis
127 Achilles Bursitis
128 Anterior Talofibular Pain Syndrome
129 Accessory Navicular Pain Syndrome
130 Fibulocalcaneal Pain Syndrome
131 OS Trigonum Pain Syndrome
132 Bunionette Pain
133 Sesamoiditis
134 Metatarsalgia
135 Submetatarsal Adventitial Bursitis


책 소개


Covering the many relatively uncommon pain conditions that are often misdiagnosed, this one-of-a-kind visual resource clearly presents the extensive knowledge and experience of world-renowned pain expert Steven D. Waldman, MD, JD. Atlas of Uncommon Pain Syndromes, 4th Edition, first and foremost helps you make a correct diagnosis – a critical step in managing patients in chronic pain. Hundreds of high-quality illustrations, as well as x-rays, ultrasound, CTs, and MRIs, help you confirm your diagnoses with confidence.

  • Offers head-to-toe coverage – 135 conditions in all – providing concise, easy-to-read chapters for each condition. Dr. Waldman's practical guidance is designed to help you make the correct diagnosis of uncommon pain syndromes, even the signs and symptoms don't quite fit. 

  • Explains each pain syndrome using a consistent, easy-to-follow format: an ICD-10 CM code for billing purposes, followed by a brief description of the signs and symptoms, laboratory and radiographic testing, differential diagnosis, available treatment options, and clinical pearls.

  • Features updated chapters throughout, as well as 12 new chapters covering Hemicrania Continua, Acute Calcific Prevertebral Tendinitis, Sternohyoid Syndrome

Snapping Scapula Syndrome, Erythromelagia, Foix-Alajouanine Syndrome, Lumbar Paraspinous Muscle Compartment Syndrome, Clunealgia, Nutcracker Syndrome, Paroxysmal Extreme Pain Disorder, Iliopsoas Tendon Rupture, and Snapping Pes Anserinus Syndrome

  • Provides practitioners and trainees in pain medicine, anesthesiology, neurology, psychiatry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, primary care, and more with a firm foundation in the diagnosis of uncommon pain in daily practice.

  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

도서명 Atlas of Uncommon Pain Syndromes 4e 저자, 역자 Steven D. Waldman 지음
출판사 Elsevier 크기 216 x 279 mm (A4)
표지, 쪽수 양장본 | 488쪽 제품구성 낱권
출간일 2019-12-11 내용 및 목차 상품 정보 및 본문 기재


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